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INVICTA HOLDINGS LIMITED - Announcement relating to the Redemption of the Entire Issued Preference Share Capital of the Company

Release Date: 13/06/2024 14:33
Code(s): IVT IVTP     PDF:  
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Announcement relating to the Redemption of the Entire Issued Preference Share Capital of the Company

Invicta Holdings Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1966/002182/06)
Ordinary Share code: IVT Ordinary Share ISIN ZAE000029773
Preference Share code: IVTP Preference Share ISIN: ZAE000173399
A2X ordinary share code: IVTJ
A2X preference share code: IVTPJ
("Invicta" or the "Company")


1. Background

   Shareholders are referred to the circular dated 15 October 2012 relating to the creation and issue of
   10 000 000 cumulative, non-participating no par value preference shares (the "Preference Shares").
   On 12 November 2012, the relevant resolutions of the Company were passed to create and authorise
   the issue of the Preference Shares. Pursuant thereto, the memorandum of incorporation of the
   Company ("MOI") was amended to include the preferences, rights, limitations and other terms of the
   Preference Shares as set out in clause 32 of the MOI. The MOI is available for inspection at Invicta's
   registered office from the date of this announcement until the Company Redemption Date (as defined
   in the MOI).

   Unless such definition is specifically repeated in this announcement ("Announcement"), terms used in
   this Announcement shall bear the meaning assigned thereto in the MOI.

   The purpose of this Announcement is to notify Preference Shareholders of the redemption of the entire
   issued Preference Share capital in terms of the relevant provisions of the MOI (the "Redemption").

2. The Redemption

   As at the date this announcement there are 6 857 757 outstanding Preference Shares in issue
   ("Outstanding Preference Shares").

   In terms of clause 32.4.2 of the MOI, all (but not some) of the Outstanding Preference Shares may be
   redeemed at the option of the Company, subject to compliance with the Companies Act, in the
   circumstance where an Adjustment Event occurs and, as a result of such Adjustment Event (i) the
   Company becomes obliged to pay any Additional Dividends, or (ii) the Applicable Rates are increased.
   In terms of clause 32.1.3 of the MOI, an "Adjustment Event" means a Tax Change Event or a Rate
   Event. In terms of clause of the MOI, a "Rate Event" means any increase in the Dividends Tax
   Rate above 15% (fifteen per centum) (which is the rate at which the Dividends Tax was levied on the
   Tax Reference Date, being 1 November 2012). In terms of clause 32.1.5 of the MOI, the "Applicable
   Rate" means the Dividend Rate or the Default Dividend Rate. In terms of clause 32.1.16 of the MOI,
   the "Dividend Rate" means, subject to adjustment in accordance with the Rate Adjustment Clauses, a
   rate equal to 102% of the Prime Rate.

   A Rate Event occurred for dividends paid on or after 22 February 2017 when the Dividends Tax Rate
   increased from 15% to 20%. Accordingly, with effect from 01 November 2016, the Dividend Rate (as
   defined in clause 32.1.16 of the MOI) was adjusted in accordance with clause 32.3.10 of the MOI to
   take account of such Rate Event, from a rate equal to 102% of the Prime Rate before the Rate Event,
   to a rate equal to 108.375% of the Prime Rate, after the Rate Event. Following the occurrence of the
   Rate Event and the consequential increase in the Applicable Rate, the Company became entitled to
   redeem all (but not some) of the Outstanding Preference Shares. The Company hereby announces
   that it is exercising such right to redeem all of the Outstanding Preference Shares.

3. The Redemption process

   The process for the redemption of the Outstanding Preference Shares is set out in clause of
   the MOI, the first step of which is to issue this Announcement. In terms of clause of the MOI,
   the date on which the redemption shall occur is called the Company Redemption Date and this date is
   the first Dividend Payment Date which occurs after the date of this Announcement.

   The Company will declare the next Scheduled Preference Dividend in accordance with the MOI, which
   Scheduled Preference Dividend will be in respect of the period from the last Dividend Declaration Date
   (6 November 2023) until the date such Scheduled Preference Dividend is declared (on or before 14
   June 2024) ("Penultimate Dividend Period"). At the same time, the Company will also declare the
   Scheduled Preference Dividend for the final Dividend Period covering the date between the end of the
   Penultimate Dividend Period (on or before 14 June 2024) and the Company Redemption Date. Both of
   these Scheduled Preference Dividends shall be payable on the same date, as recorded in the
   Preference Dividend declaration announcement.

   The Company Redemption Date will be the same date as the next and final Dividend Payment Date
   (expected to be on or before 8 July 2024).

4. The Redemption Amount

   In terms of clause 32.4.4, on the Company Redemption Date, the Company shall pay the Redemption
   Amount on each Outstanding Preference Share to each Holder. The Redemption Amount per
   Preference Share is defined in clause 32.1.34 of the MOI and, without double counting, is the aggregate

   a.   the higher of (i) the Subscription Price of that Preference Share, or (ii) the Market Price ("Market
        Price" is defined in the MOI as the volume weighted average traded price at which the Preference
        Shares traded for the 15 most recent trading days to Thursday, 6 June 2024 (being 9 602,34411
        cents per Preference Share), less any Accumulated Dividends payable on the first day of the
        Dividend Period during which the Market Price is determined (nil), and any Scheduled Dividends
        payable for the period from the first day of the Dividend Period to the day prior to the date on
        which the Market Price is determined (being 739,62260 cents per Preference Share); plus
   b.   an amount equal to 2,5% (two point five per centum) of the Subscription Price of that Preference
        Share; plus
   c.   the Scheduled Dividend for the Dividend Period which ends on the Redemption Date of that
        Preference Share (to be determined); plus
   d.   any Accumulated Dividends in respect of that Preference Share on its Redemption Date (nil).

   The Subscription Price (as defined in clause 32.1.44 of the MOI) per Preference Share is R100. The
   Market Price (as defined in clause 32.1.23 of the MOI) per Preference Share on Thursday, 6 June
   2024, being the date 5 Business Days before this Announcement, is 8 862,72151 cents per Preference

   Therefore, the Redemption Amount payable to each holder of a Preference Share pursuant to the
   Redemption will be 10 250.00 cents per Preference Share, plus the relevant Scheduled Dividends.
5. Source of funds and tax consequences

    The total Redemption Amount will be funded by Invicta from group cash reserves and banking facilities.

    No secondary tax on companies' credits will be used in giving effect to the Redemption. The
    contributed tax capital of each Preference Share is 10 000.00 cents per Preference Share.
    Accordingly, the balance of the Redemption Amount will be funded from income reserves. Invicta will
    be required to withhold dividend withholding tax of 20% on the portion of the Redemption Amount paid
    from income reserves from all holders of Preference Shares who are not exempt under South African
    tax law. The gross and net dividend amounts will be confirmed in the Scheduled Dividends
    announcement, expected to be released on SENS on Friday, 14 June 2024.

    Nothing contained in this Announcement is intended to constitute tax advice. Preference Shareholders
    are advised to consult their tax advisors regarding any taxation implications pertaining to them
    regarding the Redemption. In addition, Preference Shareholders who are not considered to be
    ordinarily resident in the Common Monetary Area (collectively, South Africa, the Republic of Namibia
    and the Kingdoms of Lesotho and eSwatini) in terms of the Exchange Control Regulations, 1961, as
    amended, promulgated in terms of section 9 of the South African Currency and Exchanges Act, Act 9
    of 1933, are advised to consult their financial advisors regarding any Exchange Control Regulations
    pertaining to them regarding the Redemption.

6. Salient dates

    The salient dates in respect of the Redemption (and the Schedule Dividends) are as follows:

    Last day to trade to be eligible for the Redemption (and the Scheduled
    Dividends) on                                                                      Tuesday, 2 July
    Suspension of listing of the Preference Shares on the JSE trading system
    with effect from commencement of business on                                     Wednesday, 3 July
    Record date for the Redemption (and payment of the Scheduled Dividends)
    on                                                                                  Friday, 5 July
    Payment date                                                                        Monday, 8 July
    Termination of listing of the Preference Shares on the JSE trading system
    with effect from commencement of business on                                       Tuesday, 9 July

    Preference Share certificates may not be dematerialised or rematerialised after Tuesday, 2 July 2024.

   All holders of Preference Shares hold their Preference Shares in dematerialised form. The Redemption
   will therefore be done automatically by the Preference Shareholder's CSDP or broker.
7. Additional JSE Listings Requirements disclosure

   Preference Shareholders are advised that a circular pertaining to the Redemption will not be posted to
   them, as Invicta has received an exemption from having to post such a circular in accordance with
   paragraph 11.38(b) of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, as the contents of such circular are
   included in this announcement.

   Set out below is a table of the aggregate volumes and values traded and the highest and lowest prices
   traded in the Preference Shares for each month over the twelve months prior to the date of issue of
   this Announcement and for each day over the 30 days preceding the date of this Announcement:

   Daily (2024)         High (cents)         Low (cents)        Volume               Value (Rand)
   12                   -                    -                  -                    -
   11                   9 975                9 500              11 245               1 072 409
   3 to 10              -                    -                  -                    -
   31                   9 601                9 500              8 738                838 343
   30                   9 676                9 500              10 176               977 766
   22 to 28             -                    -                  -                    -
   21                   10 000               9 600              411                  39 544
   16 to 20             -                    -                  -                    -
   15                   9 600                9 600              216                  20 736
   14                   9 700                9 700              9                    873
   13                   9 601                9 600              2 569                246 629
   10                   -                    -                  -                    -
   9                    9 900                9 900              606                  59 994
   7 to 8               -                    -                  -                    -
   6                    9 775                9 775              8 925                872 418
   3                    9 800                9 800              198                  19 404
   2                    9 800                9 800              1 499                146 902

   Monthly             High (cents)          Low (cents)        Volume               Value (Rand)
   May                 10 000                9 500              33 347               3 222 609
   April               10 249                9 501              18 449               1 820 200
   March               10 249                9 500              6 835                668 463
   February            10 275                9 804              49 832               4 993 923
   January             10 299                9 800              5 458                543 361
   December            10 450                9 800              36 819               3 611 877
   November            10 490                9 800              32 193               3 211 805
   October             10 500                9 700              29 101               2 903 608
   September           9 850                 9 555              39 040               3 785 961
   August              10 190                9 500              19 474               1 911 593
   July                10 300                9 810              13 617               1 370 519
   June                10 400                9 656              248 660              25 527 992
A further announcement, including the declaration of the applicable Scheduled Dividends, will be published
on or before 14 June 2024.

Thursday, 13 June 2024

Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking, a division of Nedbank Limited

Legal Adviser
Bernadt Vukic Potash & Getz Attorneys


Date: 13-06-2024 02:33:00
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