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MULTICHOICE GROUP LIMITED - Dealings by restricted share plans, directors, director of a major subsidiary and group company secretary

Release Date: 19/06/2024 07:05
Code(s): MCG     PDF:  
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Dealings by restricted share plans, directors, director of a major subsidiary and group company secretary

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 2018/473845/06)
JSE Share Code: MCG
ISIN: ZAE000265971
("MultiChoice" or "the Company")


In compliance with the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, the following information relating to
dealings in securities by the MultiChoice Group Restricted Share Plan Trust and the Irdeto Restricted
Share Unit Plan, directors, directors of a major subsidiary and the group company secretary is

In terms of paragraphs 3.63 – 3.74 of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited ("JSE Listings
Requirements"), the following transactions are to be disclosed:

Name of share scheme                 :   The Irdeto Restricted Share Unit Plan
Date of transaction                  :   12 June 2024
Nature of transaction                :   On-market purchase of ordinary shares to settle restricted
                                         share awards granted in terms of the the Irdeto Restricted
                                         Share Unit Plan
Number of securities                 :   1 191
Class of securities                  :   Ordinary shares
Purchase price per share             :   R109.40
Value of transaction                 :   R130 295.40
Clearance obtained                   :   Clearance has been received in terms of paragraph 3.66 of the
                                         JSE Listings Requirements
Nature of interest                   :   Direct, non- beneficial

Director                             :   Byron du Plessis
Company                              :   MultiChoice (Pty) Ltd and MultiChoice Support Services (Pty)
                                         Ltd (major subsidiaries of MultiChoice)
Date of transaction                  :   13 June 2024
Nature of transaction                :   On market sale of vested shares awarded under the
                                         MultiChoice Group Restricted Share Plan Trust and accepted
                                         on 10 June 2020 and 31 March 2021.
Class of securities                  :   Ordinary shares
Number of securities                 :   43 174 shares
Selling price per share              :   R106.00
Value of transaction                 :   R4 576 444.00
Nature of interest                   :   Direct, beneficial
Clearance obtained                   :   Clearance has been received in terms of paragraph 3.66 of the
                                         JSE Listings Requirements

Director                             :   Byron du Plessis
Company                              :   MultiChoice (Pty) Ltd and MultiChoice Support Services (Pty)
                                         Ltd (major subsidiaries of MultiChoice)
Date of transaction                  :   13 June 2024
Nature of transaction                :   On market sale of shares
Class of securities                  :   Ordinary shares
Number of securities                 :   9 154 shares
Selling price per share              :   R109.89
Value of transaction                 :   R1 005 933.06
Nature of interest                   :   Direct, beneficial
Clearance obtained                   :   Clearance has been received in terms of paragraph 3.66 of the
                                         JSE Listings Requirements

Group company secretary              :   Carmen Miller
Company                              :   MultiChoice
Date of transaction                  :   13 June 2024
Nature of transaction                :   On market sale of vested shares awarded under the
                                         MultiChoice Group Restricted Share Plan Trust and accepted
                                         on 10 June 2020 and 31 March 2021.
Class of securities                  :   Ordinary shares
Number of securities                 :   36 935 shares
Selling price per share              :   R106.00
Value of transaction                 :   R3 915 110.00
Nature of interest                   :   Direct, beneficial
Clearance obtained                   :   Clearance has been received in terms of paragraph 3.66 of the
                                         JSE Listings Requirements

Director                             :   Richard Tessendorf
Company                              :   MultiChoice Africa Holdings B.V (a major subsidiary of
Date of transaction                  :   13 June 2024
Nature of transaction                :   Off market vesting and subsequent on market sale of all shares
                                         awarded under the MultiChoice Group Restricted Share Plan
                                         Trust and accepted on 10 June 2020, prior to appointment as
                                         a director of a major subsidiary. In terms of the award, Richard
                                         Tessendorf received 3 045 ordinary shares and subsequently
                                         sold all of these shares.
Class of securities                  :   Ordinary shares
Number of securities                 :   3 045 shares
Volume weighted average sale price   :   R106.0003
per share
Highest selling price                :   R106.01
Lowest selling price                 :   R106.00
Value of transaction                 :   R322 770.91
Nature of interest                   :   Direct, beneficial
Clearance obtained                   :   Clearance has been received in terms of paragraph 3.66 of the
                                         JSE Listings Requirements

Director                             :   Doug Lowther
Company                              :   MultiChoice Africa Holdings B.V. (a major subsidiary of
Date of transaction                  :   13 June 2024
Nature of transaction                :   Off market vesting and subsequent on market sale of a portion
                                         of shares awarded under the MultiChoice Group Restricted
                                         Share Plan Trust and accepted on 31 March 2021, prior to
                                         appointment as a director of a major subsidiary director. In
                                         terms of the award, Doug Lowther received 47 336 ordinary
                                         shares and subsequently sold 23 951 ordinary shares to cover
                                         his tax obligation and took ownership of the balance of the
                                         shares (23 385 shares).
Class of securities                  :   Ordinary shares
Number of securities sold            :   23 951 shares
Selling price per share              :   R106.25
Value of sale transaction            :   R2 544 793.75
Nature of interest                   :   Direct, beneficial
Clearance obtained                   :   Clearance has been received in terms of paragraph 3.66 of the
                                         JSE Listings Requirements

Director                             :   Doug Lowther
Company                              :   MultiChoice Africa Holdings B.V. (a major subsidiary of
Date of transaction                  :   13 June 2024
Nature of transaction                :   In terms of the Irdeto Restricted Share Unit Plan ("Plan"), Doug
                                         Lowther was awarded 5 174 Restricted Share Units ("RSUs")
                                         on 31 March 2021, prior to his appointment as a director of a
                                         major subsidiary. The RSUs vested on 31 March 2024.
                                         Doug Lowther exercised 5 174 RSUs in terms of the Plan and
                                         received 34 828 MultiChoice ordinary shares in settlement of
                                         the gain on the RSUs at the US$40.02: R18.3675207583
                                         exchange rate as at 12 June 2024 and based on the closing
                                         price of a MultiChoice ordinary share on 12 June 2024, being
                                         R109.20. Doug Lowther then sold 17 871 of the shares on
                                         market to cover his tax obligation and took ownership of the
                                         balance of shares (16 957 shares).
RSU award price                      :   5 174 RSUs at $0
RSU strike price                     :   $40.02
RSU value gained                     :   $207 063.48 (R3 803 242.77)
Class of securities                  :   Ordinary shares
Number of securities sold            :   17 871
Selling price per share              :   R106.40
Value of transaction                 :   R1 901 474.40
Nature of interest                   :   Direct, beneficial
Clearance obtained                   :   Clearance has been received in terms of paragraph 3.66 of the
                                         JSE Listings Requirements

Name of share scheme                 :   The Irdeto Restricted Share Unit Plan
Date of transaction                  :   13 June 2024
Nature of transaction                :   On-market purchase of ordinary shares to settle restricted
                                         share awards granted in terms of the the Irdeto Restricted
                                         Share Unit Plan
Number of securities                 :   23 517
Class of securities                  :   Ordinary shares
Volume weighted average purchase         R106.7005
Highest purchase price per share     :   R107.69
Lowest purchase price per share          R106.00

Value of purchase                    :   R2 509 275.69
Clearance obtained                   :   Clearance has been received in terms of paragraph 3.66 of the
                                         JSE Listings Requirements
Nature of interest                   :   Direct, non- beneficial

Name of share scheme                 :   The Irdeto Restricted Share Unit Plan
Date of transaction                  :   14 June 2024
Nature of transaction                :   On-market purchase of ordinary shares to settle restricted
                                         share awards granted in terms of the the Irdeto Restricted
                                         Share Unit Plan
Number of securities                 :   18 283
Class of securities                  :   Ordinary shares
Volume weighted average purchase         R107.5812
Highest purchase price per share     :   R108.15
Lowest purchase price per share          R106.01
Value of purchase                    :   R1 966 907.34
Clearance obtained                   :   Clearance has been received in terms of paragraph 3.66 of the
                                         JSE Listings Requirements
Nature of interest                   :   Direct, non- beneficial

18 June 2024

RAND MERCHANT BANK (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

Important notice
Shareholders should take note that, pursuant to a provision of the MultiChoice memorandum of
incorporation, MultiChoice is permitted to reduce the voting rights of shares in MultiChoice
(including MultiChoice shares deposited in terms of the American Depositary Share ("ADS") facility)
so that the aggregate voting power of MultiChoice shares that are presumptively owned or held by
foreigners to South Africa (as envisaged in the MultiChoice memorandum of incorporation) will not
exceed 20% of the total voting power in MultiChoice. This is to ensure compliance with certain
statutory requirements applicable to South Africa. For this purpose, MultiChoice will presume in
particular that:
- all MultiChoice shares deposited in terms of the MultiChoice ADS facility are owned or held
  by foreigners to South Africa, regardless of the actual nationality of the MultiChoice ADS
  holder; and
- all shareholders with an address outside of South Africa on the register of MultiChoice will
  be deemed to be foreigners to South Africa, irrespective of their actual nationality or
  domicilium, unless such shareholder can provide proof, to the satisfaction of the
  MultiChoice board, that it should not be deemed to be a foreigner to South Africa, as
  envisaged in article 40.1.3 of the MultiChoice memorandum of incorporation.

Shareholders are referred to the provisions of the MultiChoice memorandum of incorporation
available at for further detail. If shareholders are in any doubt as to what
action to take, they should seek advice from their broker, attorney or other professional adviser.

Shareholders are further referred to ruling issued by the Takeover Regulation Panel on 27 February
2024, which ruling deals with the MultiChoice memorandum of incorporation. Shareholders can
access the ruling on the Company's website at

If shareholders are in any doubt as to what action to take, they should seek advice from their
broker, attorney or other professional adviser.

Date: 19-06-2024 07:05:00
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