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NOVUS HOLDINGS LIMITED - Exercise of Share Options and Sale of Shares in terms of the Novus Holdings Limited Share Appreciation Rights Scheme

Release Date: 24/06/2024 12:00
Code(s): NVS     PDF:  
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Exercise of Share Options and Sale of Shares in terms of the Novus Holdings Limited Share Appreciation Rights Scheme

Novus Holdings Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
(Registration number 2008/011165/06)
JSE share code: NVS  ISIN: ZAE000202149
("Novus" or "the Company")


In compliance with paragraphs 3.63 to 3.74 (both inclusive) of the Listings Requirements of the JSE
Limited, shareholders are notified of the following dealings in securities by a director of a major
subsidiary of Novus in respect of the Novus Holdings Limited Share Appreciation Rights Plan ("SAR

In terms of the SAR Plan, on the SAR exercise date, the appreciation in each SAR is calculated by
deducting the grant price from the exercise price ("Appreciation Value"). The deemed exercise price is
the market price of a Novus share at the exercise date. Following the exercise of the SAR, the participant
receives Novus shares from the Company equal to the Appreciation Value.

Director:                             Paul de Bruin
Company:                              Novus Print Proprietary Limited
Class of securities:                  Ordinary shares of no par value
Nature of interest:                   Direct beneficial
Clearance to deal obtained:           Yes
Nature of transaction:                Off-market exercise of SARs

Number of SAR awards:                 46 005                       187 491                242 825
Grant price:                          R2.40                        R4.00                  R4.12
Date of award:                        20 December 2019             26 July 2019           13 July 2018
Exercise date:                        19 June 2024                 19 June 2024           19 June 2024
Number of Novus shares received       27 448                       61 447                 74 684
on exercise:
Deemed exercise price:                R5.95                        R5.95                  R5.95
Total value of transaction:           R163 315.60                  R365 609.65            R444 369.80

Nature of the transaction:            Sale of shares on market
Date of transaction:                  19 June 2024
Number of securities:                 163 579
Price per security:                   R5.95
Total value:                          R973 295.05

Cape Town
24 June 2024

Merchantec Capital

Date: 24-06-2024 12:00:00
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