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NOVUS HOLDINGS LIMITED - Small Related Party Acquisition: Finalisation of Fairness Opinion

Release Date: 13/06/2024 16:31
Code(s): NVS     PDF:  
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Small Related Party Acquisition: Finalisation of Fairness Opinion

Novus Holdings Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
(Registration number 2008/011165/06)
JSE share code: NVS    ISIN: ZAE000202149
("Novus Holdings" or "the Company")


Shareholders are referred to the announcements released on SENS on:

o   10 May 2024 (and using the terms defined therein unless otherwise stated) wherein it was advised,
    inter alia, that the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Novus Print Proprietary Limited ("Novus"),
    had entered into a Transaction constituting a "small related party transaction" in terms of paragraph
    10.7 of the Listings Requirements, thereby necessitating the appointment of an independent
    professional expert acceptable to the JSE to confirm whether the terms of the Transaction are fair
    insofar as Novus Holdings shareholders are concerned; and

o   31 May 2024 wherein it was stated that the parties to the Agreement had extended the date of
    fulfilment of the Suspensive Conditions to 30 June 2024.

In compliance with paragraph 10.7(b) of the Listings Requirements, written confirmation has been
received from Exchange Sponsors Projects Proprietary Limited that the terms of the Transaction are fair
insofar as Novus Holdings shareholders are concerned. A copy of the Fairness Opinion has been provided
to the JSE as required.

Pursuant to paragraph 10.7(c) of the Listings Requirements, the Fairness Opinion will lie for inspection at
the registered office of Novus Holdings located at 10 Freedom Way, Milnerton, Cape Town, 7441 and on
request by emailing, for a period of 28 days from the date of such

Shareholders are hereby advised that all the Suspensive Conditions, as set out in the Agreement, have
been fulfilled and accordingly, the Transaction is unconditional. The Effective Date of the Transaction is
1 May 2024.

Cape Town
13 June 2024

Merchantec Capital

Date: 13-06-2024 04:31:00
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