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MR PRICE GROUP LIMITED - 2024 Integrated Report, No Change Statement, AGM Notice and Dealings in Securities by an Associate of a Director

Release Date: 28/06/2024 11:00
Code(s): MRP     PDF:  
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2024 Integrated Report, No Change Statement, AGM Notice and Dealings in Securities by an Associate of a Director

Mr Price Group Limited
(Registration number 1933/004418/06)
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
ISIN: ZAE000200457
LEI number: 378900D3417C35C5D733
JSE and A2X share code: MRP
("company" or "group")


2024 Integrated Report and no change statement

Shareholders are advised that the 2024 integrated report and the audited annual financial statements for
the 52 weeks ended 30 March 2024 has been distributed to shareholders and published on the group's
website (, today, 28 June 2024. The
audited annual financial statements are also available on the JSE cloudlink on

The audited annual financial statements contain no modifications to the reviewed condensed
consolidated financial statements which were published on the Stock Exchange News Service on Thursday,
13 June 2024.

Notice of annual general meeting

Notice is hereby given that the 91st annual general meeting (AGM) of shareholders of the company will be
held at Upper Level, North Concourse, 65 Masabalala Yengwa Avenue, Durban on Thursday, 29 August
2024 at 14h30 to transact the business as stated in the notice of AGM, distributed and published on the
company's website (, today 28 June

In compliance with the provisions of the Companies Act, No. 71 of 2008 and the company's memorandum
of incorporation, shareholders may participate in (but not vote at) the meeting by way of electronic
participation. To obtain electronic participation details, shareholders or their proxies must contact the
company's transfer secretaries, Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited ("Computershare")
on by no later than 14h30 on Tuesday, 27 August 2024. Shareholders will
be liable for their own network charges in relation to electronic participation at the AGM.

Salient dates

Event                                                                                                       2024
Record date to determine which shareholders are entitled to receive notice of the AGM            Friday, 21 June
Publication of the notice of AGM on the company website and posting to shareholders              Friday, 28 June
Last day to trade in order to be eligible to attend and vote at the AGM                       Tuesday, 20 August
Record date to determine which shareholders are entitled to attend and vote at the AGM         Friday, 23 August
Deadline for lodging forms of proxy for the AGM at 14h30 on (for administrative purposes)     Tuesday, 27 August
AGM at 14h30                                                                                 Thursday, 29 August

Dealings in securities by an associate of a director

In compliance with JSE Limited Listings requirements the following information is disclosed:

Director:                                                       Stewart Cohen
Company:                                                        Mr Price Group Limited
Associate:                                                      The Catregav Investment Trust
Relationship to associate:                                      Trustee and beneficiary
Class of securities:                                            B Ordinary Shares
Nature of interest:                                             Indirect beneficial
On market / off market:                                         Off market
Clearance obtained:                                             Yes
Nature of transaction:                                          Release of shares from a security pledge arrangement
Date of transaction:                                            25 June 2024
Number of securities:                                           200,000
Indicative value*:                                              R40,738,000

Director:                                                       Stewart Cohen
Company:                                                        Mr Price Group Limited
Associate:                                                      The Catregav Investment Trust
Relationship to associate:                                      Trustee and beneficiary
Class of securities:                                            B Ordinary Shares and Ordinary Shares
Nature of interest:                                             Indirect beneficial
On market / off market:                                         Off market
Clearance obtained:                                             Yes
Nature of transaction:                                          Conversion of B Ordinary Shares to Ordinary Shares
Date of transaction:                                            28 June 2024
Number of securities:                                           200,000
Indicative value*:                                              R40,738,000

Director:                                                       Stewart Cohen
Company:                                                        Mr Price Group Limited
Associate:                                                      Kovacs Investments 343 CC
Relationship to associate:                                      Trustee and beneficiary
Class of securities:                                            B Ordinary Shares
Nature of interest:                                             Indirect beneficial
On market / off market:                                         Off market
Clearance obtained:                                             Yes
Nature of transaction:                                          Entering into a security pledge arrangement
Date of transaction:                                            28 June 2024
Number of securities:                                           400,000
Indicative value*:                                              R81,476,000

* Based on the market price of R203.69 as at close of business on 24 June 2024

28 June 2024

JSE Equity Sponsor and Corporate Broker
Investec Bank Limited

Date: 28-06-2024 11:00:00
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